Protect the Jim Prentice Wildlife Corridor

You have the opportunity to contribute to a project of international significance - the Jim Prentice Wildlife Corridor in Crowsnest Pass will connect crown forest reserve lands in the north to the Castle parks network, as well as to Waterton Lakes National Park, and Glacier National Parks to the south. Conserving a wildlife corridor through the Crowsnest Pass will benefit wildlife that travel through the Rocky Mountains in Canada and the United States. With your help, we can secure and conserve the remaining private lands in the corridor and honour Alberta's late Premier, Jim Prentice and hsi committment to conservation.

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Renseignements de paiement

(La carte de crédit doit être au nom de la personne qui fait le don, tel qu’il est indiqué ci-dessus.)

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Type de carte de crédit :
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
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