Slow down for wildlife

Many animals navigate through roads and urban areas when travelling between patches of habitat to find food, mates and shelter. Every year, thousands of animals, from moose to turtles, are killed on our roads.

How you can help

Do your part to reduce roadkill.

1. Keep a lookout for areas where the road passes close to a wetland, and slow down in areas where animals like turtles might be crossing.

2. Be particularly cautious driving between evening and dawn, as this can be a busy time for animal movement.

3. If you see a turtle on the road, pull over only if it is safe to do so and see if the turtle needs help crossing.

4. Share on social media how you’re helping to do your part for wildlife using #MySmallAct.

Small acts on a big scale

Across Canada, NCC staff inventory the plants and animals on our properties and remove any invasive species, along with the help of our Conservation Volunteers. By doing so, we're improving habitats for native plants and animals.

Learn more about NCC's conservation efforts at