Build for the spring

From planning your garden to building the feeders and nest boxes, late winter is the perfect time to get started on your upcoming spring projects.

How you can help

Start planning your garden for the spring season.

1. Research the native plants you can add to your garden in the spring with the help of NCC's guide.

2. Think about other ways how you can restore nature to your backyard. Learn more about the new global initiative to restore different ecosystems.

3. Build a bee hotel, bat box, bird feeder, bat box, nest box or turtle nest protector.

4. Share what you’re building or planning using #MySmallAct on social media.

Small acts on a big scale

Across Canada, NCC staff inventory the plants and animals on our properties and remove any invasive species, along with the help of our Conservation Volunteers. By doing so, we're improving habitats for native plants and animals.

Learn more about NCC's conservation efforts at