Small Acts of ConservationSmall Acts of Conservation
Illustration of a question mark

Meet your nature neighbours

How you can help
Illustration of a plant on a phone 1. Use (website or app), and upload photos of the plants and animals in your yard or nearby natural areas to learn more about your local wildlife.
Illustration of a plant in hand 2. Use to identify invasive plants in your yard, then use NCC’s native species gardening guide to learn what species to replace them with.
Illustration of a camera 3. Share on social media how you’re helping to do your part for nature using #MySmallAct.
What NCC is doing
Green leaf badge

© 2025 Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) | ™ Trademarks owned by The Nature Conservancy of Canada.

Charitable Reg. Number: 11924 6544 RR0001