Small Acts of ConservationSmall Acts of Conservation
Illustration of a bird in flight

Soak it all in

How you can help
Illustration of a bird feeder 1. Reduce water runoff from your property by installing rain barrels and re-directing the flow into your gardens. You can also use porous surfaces for walkways, patios and driveways.
Illustration of a plant in hand 2. Participate in “No Mow May!” Letting your grass grow a little longer not only benefits native pollinators, it can also help reduce water runoff.
Illustration of a river and trees 3. Plant some native wetland or water-loving plants around the overflow from your rain barrel or where your downspouts exit.
Illustration of a camera 4. Share on social media how you’re supporting the health of Canada’s water using #MySmallAct.
What NCC is doing
Green leaf badge

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